Time Wishing is Time Wasted

“Money is not the prime commodity in our lives… time is.”

If I were to give you a choice between 1 week or $100 dollars, to which would you assign more value? Most of us would say the $100 bucks. However, money isn’t the most precious commodity in this case. It’s time. Warren Buffett has over $100 billion to his name, but he can’t buy 100 billion weeks. Or even 100 billion seconds.

If you were to ask most older people what they would want more of, they would say time. Money wouldn’t even come up. When they say youth is wasted on the young, this is sort of what they refer to. We spend our youth doing things that ultimately won’t matter even 1 month from now. We wish we were smarter. We wish we were taller. We wish we had a better job. Etc. etc. All are examples of time wasted.

Let’s apply this concept to how we treat our careers. Most people undervalue themselves and their time. Once more, instead of finding a way to obtain the proper value for their time, they accept their realities and instead begin “living for the weekend”.

I implore you to change your paradigm. Begin treating your time as the most precious commodity on Earth. After all, you can always get 5 more dollars; you can never get back 5 elapsed minutes.

Money is important. But money is only a tool. Endeavor to buy back your time. Stop leasing it to people at a discount.