Do what you are best at. Fuck all the bullshit.

“Find what you are good at and pour gasoline on it. Then light a match.”

Who’s the better athlete?

In a game of 1 on 1 basketball, who would win Jordan or Phelps? Of course, MJ would, he would beat Phelps 11–0. Phelps would never get a shot off.

In a swimming competition, who would win? Duh, Phelps would dust MJ.

The point of the aforementioned examples is to point out that these 2 athletes are considered on par some of the best athletes in human history. But it is only at their niche. If we were to ask them to race Bolt they would lose before they knew what hit them.

Do what you are innately and uniquely great at. You can be good in lots of things however you would arguably only achieve greatness in the lane you are naturally talented in.

Go be great.